As the chaos intensifies in perfect rhythm, adversity casts its smirking reflection in the mirror, and the sun dips behind the clouds; It's time for the show to commence.

Overthinking has been crowned Queen, finding dominion over your empire. She’s strong, manipulative, hubristic, conceited with status, and demeaning negativity towards you. It’s time. Revolting against every fundamental inner core, habitual instinct of overthinking, that has possessed a stronghold within me, it’s end is here. I lock eyes with it, pour gasoline over its essence, and ignite the flames. I can feel the flames relentlessly searching to torment me, but this time I’m no where to be found. So it goes, with a suffocating vengeance unable to prosper, a weapon formed, depleted from existence, an entire empire burned to the ground. You see, you had to dismantle it entirely because your new dynasty needs the new you. You can’t go back, because you’re a different person today. Heed my warning, once you begin the revolution, prepare yourself. It’s not for the weak, and like clockwork, the psychological warfare ahead has signed up for overtime. She has a vendetta list, and she’s checking it twice. From first hand experience, the girl has hands, especially in the art of throwing shade with precision.

And then it happens, a revelation. The cognitive enlightenment, that only you, can reconstruction the primal foundations of thought. An it appears, like an invisible locket tied around your neck, the key. The essence unveiling the key to the door, you’ve aimlessly wandered around looking for. The door to Wonderland, where your golden dynasty awaits, fortified by impenetrable walls and an endless supply of coffee and tea. Where nonsense and madness run wild without the constrictions of societal norms. A place sustainable for building your dynasty. The key to your dynasty has always been in your possession.

So you go, and seek asylum within wonderland, as the old empire fades into oblivion. The person you once were is now a mere shadow, incapable of retracing steps long gone. Don’t let your guard down too quick, because overthinking has transmuted into the Queen of Hearts and she’s seeking your head, but this time…. You’re slaying more than just your old self and the jabberwocky, you will slay the Queen of Hearts once and for all.

As turmoil is building, you’ve gone poker-faced. In the enigmatic realm of poker strategy, it's understood that the path to outmaneuvering opponents commences with the deft implementation of strategic red herrings, and intertwined with the mastery of emotional restraint, all indispensable in the pursuit of triumph. Intriguingly, the invisible variable linchpin missing from the formula of victory, resided at the core of the crep artisan himself. He is a clandestine strategist, steadfast in his surveillance regardless of distance or occasion, a mastermind of madness, orchestrating perfectly calibrated tactics, concealed beneath a veneer of shared eccentricity, comprehended solely between the two of us. The madness, after all, is the invisible string that tied us together. It was evident that the gleaning insights from his introspective musings, the most deranged psycho within Wonderland, proved crucial for your success. My name threaded in gold, underneath the lid of his hat, a silent whisper of inevitable fate waiting to unfurl. Our eyes, the unspoken narrators, locking in silent communion, as we fix our gaze upon the looming battle before us. An attack was out of the question this time; instead, we found ourselves compelled to surrender and endure persecution, seemingly engulfed in hopeless despair. It wasn't until the madness surged and sparked, jolting the re-emergence of your renewed self, that perfectly aligned with the element of surprise. The moment presenting itself in morse code. It was your time to redefine everything you had ever understood or believed. Putting on her white dress, letting her curls down, the golden girl senses that her moment has arrived.

Frabjous Day has staged itself front and center and the limelight is on The Queen. Your veins surge with a blazing torrent of motivation and determination fueled fury, for this is your newly crowned dynasty, and she holds no sway within Wonderland's realm. As anticipated, The Queen of heart’s sinister ally, the Jabberwocky derived from jezebel’s manipulation, is in full pursuit of your wonderland. Arrogantly flaunting all her assets and tactics aimed at your downfall, she inadvertently reveals a vulnerability that leads to her own defeat and presents a direct opportunity to vanquish the Queen of Hearts as well. Her strategies are antiquated and you're all too familiar with them. A smirk emerging from my face, signaling checkmate. The key, crucial to opening the door to Wonderland, transforms into the Vorpal Sword, its gleaming edge ready for action. With a swift stroke, "Off with her head," mimicking the Queen of Hearts, the Jabberwocky is slayed. There's no time to pause pursuit as disbelief stunned the Queen of Hearts, and her crown trembling atop her head. Sensing the shift in power, the Queen searches for an escape route, but she’s met her match today. While the Queen cashed in her ticket to watch the event, eagerly anticipating your downfall, the clandestine strategist, without notice, has encircled the Queen with trinitrotoluene (TNT). Like the fundamental rule chess, only one Queen can triumph in Wonderland. As the Queen of Hearts and I share a chilling gaze, the truth dawns upon her like a bolt of lightning in a storm: banishment is but a distant dream. With a finality akin to the crescendo of fireworks heralding the conclusion of a grand spectacle, she is extinguished, fading into nothingness. I warned her, this was my dynasty, and the new me, with a new found enigmatic depth, was no match.

So, let the revolution begin. Only you possess the power to alter your reality and metamorphore into whatever you please. Let the revelation invoke the revolution within you. Redefine yourself, and unlock the boundless potential that lies within. Embrace the madness, cultivate growth, and step boldly into the radiant light of your true potential. The path to Wonderland awaits, and it starts with you. You CAN and WILL slay the Queen of Hearts.


-Hal nic

hal nic

Style Chronicles: In’s & Out’s, OOTD’s, and Behind the Seams of all my adventures.

It’s Okay to take a loss


Hard work? Bring it on.